Snakes on a Trail

Thank you for stopping by. For this entry, I just had to make a reference to the 2006 b-movie goodness that is Snakes on a Plane.

The pictures below were taken with my iPhone 6s Plus. I used the Olloclip Telephoto lens for all the pictures except for one.

These were taken on different parts of the Connecticut Airline Trail.

The Eastern Hognose snake.

Another picture of the Eastern Hognose snake.

A Black Snake.

Another picture of the Black Snake.

Eastern Garter Snake.

Turtles, Turtles, and More Turtles

I absolutely love this picture, which I took with an Olliclip Telephoto lens for my iPhone 6s Plus. I loved it so much I bought a Fracture print of it. There were at least ten turtles to start on this log, but since they are skittish creatures they slid off into the water when they detected my presence.

Here are some other turtle pictures I have taken on my walks on the Airline Trail in Connecticut. A copy of them I used a bottle to show the turtle’s size.

Welcome to my World

I started walking on March 22. I began to walk to lose weight and to feel better. To make sure it stuck, I came up with a plan. A plan to get myself an Apple watch and to have my wife be all for it. My plan included giving up soda for three months and getting my weight down to 230.

My beginning weight was 259.4. I didn’t give up soda until April 11. The reason I waited was because I wanted to get through Super Megafest without any issues.

Once I started walking, I started seeing different wildlife and started posting the pictures on Facebook. An author friend of mine, Tony Tremblay, suggested I create a blog and post them on it. I took his advice and cleaned up an old blog to create this one.

This blog will contain all types of pictures, not just the nature ones I take.